Tuesday, 12 June 2012

What's The Caption Wednesday? #2 - Domo, Ariana and Avan!

Hi guys!

This is the second WTCW! (: Remember to leave a comment and/or email me for your own captions! Winner will be announced tomorrow! :D *No prize* Only shoutouts. ^^


Ariana : "Hey Avan, people say we look like ariel and  eric!"

"I went to Stanford University @ the age of 5!"

Monday, 11 June 2012

Three Tips On Tuesday! #1 - Sunscreen, Hair and Face!

Hi guys!

Here are my very first THREE tips on Tuesday! 

#1 Sunscreen IS your best friend. 
- People always think that the sun doesn't hit places like your hands, palms and all sorts. But they'e wrong! It's always best to cover places like your palms, in between your fingers and the soles of your feet!

#2 Hair.... needs CARE!
- A heat protectant spray will work with hot hair tools but.. what about daily? It will STILL damage your hair. Just at a lessened amount.... In my opinion, you should use hot hair tools on alternate days. Doesn't damage your hair as bad!

#3 1 step isn't always enough.
- Some girls that develop acne/zits in their earlier ages because they only  wash their face with water. It's important to wash it with either a hydrating facial wash or a deep cleansing facial wash. Works the same way. Also use moisturizer and toner. If you feel like pumping up the "skincare train", you can always use more products like an eye cream and more! 

Alright, so that was today's tips! Hope it helps! 


It's Been Awhile..

Hi guys!

I know, I have not been following my "daily blogging schedule".. After I have posted my post about the daily blogging schedule, I have gotten several hate emails about how it's too organized and how I won't be able to post any other kind of blogposts apart from the planned ones. For all of you that have sent me those emails, I will still be doing advertorials, journaling and what more. So no worries.. It'd be per-normal. Basically, you'll be able to read TWO blogposts, if I am able to do so. It is a lot of hard work. I am only 11 years old, I am studying, youtubing and more. So, if I am unable to keep up with the schedule, let's just say, I'm not the one to be blamed. Anyways, thanks for your understanding. (: 


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

What's The Caption Wednesday? #1 - Spongebob and Snow White!

Hi guys!

So.. here is WTCW! This Wednesday, it's ALL about Spongebob and Snow white! Remember to comment below/email me on your caption! Label it 1-3 accordingly as what I've labelled! The winner will then be announced tomorrow on my Tag Thursday!

Patrick : HAHAHAHHA!

Is it hide your laugh day?

I'm fungry. Shall I take a bite and fall dramatically?


Hi guys!

I decided to create a technique of daily blogging. Here's my schedule planned!

Monday : Monday Manicures
Tuesday : Three Tips On Tuesday
Wednesday : What's The Caption Wednesday?
Thursday : Tag Thursday
Friday : Friday Fun Feast.
So, here are what they mean!

Monday Manicures :
All about manicures on Monday! Whether it's giving yourself a manicure, tips on nails, nail care, trending nail polish colours and more!

Three Tips On Tuesday :
Any three tips on Tuesday! Beauty related, Room-decor related, organization or even better! Three different tip every Tuesday!

What's The Caption Wednesday? :
Every Wednesday, there will be 3 or more different photos that can be captioned. I'll type out my OWN caption for the picture, and you will also be able to do so! I'll then pick my favourite tip every Thursday and I will give you a shout-out on my blog!

Tag Thursday :
Different tags for Tuesday.

Friday Fun Feast :
All about food!

Yay! Now i'm gonna do today's one(:


Thursday, 24 May 2012

The Case Of The Mysterious Ikea Pencil Stealer!

Hey guys!

So I was walking around Ikea and I got this sudden urge to take an Ikea pencil, which is FREE. Anyways, so I was about to take one when I saw this old man taking like a WHOLE BUNCH of it and hiding it in BOTH his side pants pockets. I was SUPER shocked to see what he was doing. So I silently walked towards him and then peered at what he was doing. I saw him taking out a tin of sticky tape and using Ikea pencils to make a flower. Then he said this : "Ah, my dear wife would like this, I presume." I was so touched I literally almost cried. So I decided to take a bunch of pencils and attempt to make something out of them. And, it turned out shitty. So, I just kept the pencils (:

Thursday, 17 May 2012


Hi Guys!

I HAVE to be honest with you guys. I am totally bright and wide awake right now! In fact, I'm feeling splendidly hyper! I just want to find ways to cure insomnia, try them for a week and find out which one's best! Unfortunately, I haven't had time to search! So, this girl's been up late even when the next day's school! Oh my gosh, you guys. You wouldn't know how tired and sleepy I feel in the mornings! Like seriously, if my school desk became a bed, I will be the first one to fall asleep, claim that I'll wake up in like 4 minutes time and actually, never wake up until like, 5am the next day. It's really a bad habit and I don't want to keep it as one because dark circles don't cut in for me! I've always been on the hunt for a really good concealer and eye brightening cream. It is way too absurd that my dark circles look like they belong to a busy business lady! Plus, business ladies aren't 11. Gosh. Anyways, I'm going to do a research now! Oh how I wish I'm not an Insomniac :( 


Sunday, 13 May 2012

Awesome Early Mothers' Dinner @ Jack's Place!

Here's where we ate at. :D
Doesn't this Menu look appealing?

My family's FAVOURITE soup!

Just plain, iced water. 

I honestly miss my Lobster Bisque!!

Mushroom Cheesey things. o.o
Oops, the soup's gone!

Diet Coke. TEEHEE.


The potato with bacon and mayo. Not that nice.

Zoomed-in version of the Cord-Fish!

A mothers' day dessert! 

Some's gone :P

Oops.. Here comes the bill :X

Friday, 11 May 2012

Early Homemade Mothers' Day Breakfast!

Oatmeal served with strawberries and almonds!

Green Apple, Blueberries and Strawberries!
 That's what I made/gave my mom! Delicious! :P
Heart-shaped bread with different jams!

Homemade Coffee <3 

The card! Simple yet awesome. :P

Original present!

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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

A fact that remains a fact forever! (:

Hi Guys!

So, I have realized that over the past few months of being in a new type of class, there will be different people who have different goals and ideas. Everyone has different thinkings, wishes and so on. There are good guys and bad guys. It takes time to notice the good and bad of everyone. Without getting know someone is like hamburger without bread. Which, isn't complete. So, take time to get to know everyone in your class and/or neighbourhood. Probably that special guy who caught your eye.. :) Get the catch? Let's just say Love is unexpected. Try hinting, no luck? Just smile. Also, when in doubt, ask! I guess people didn't really know that it isn't important whether you get loved back. It matters if your love is true. Does that make sense? I hope it does. I wouldn't want to be telling you guys the opposite thing! True dat'. Anyways, I'd always, always, rather love than be loved. Because, I would even love my biggest enemy in the world. Which, I wouldn't know who would that be, well..That is for now. Alright! That's all for now. (: Be sure to take some time to understand everyone around you!


Friday, 4 May 2012

Staying organized for the Examinations!

Hi Guys!
My exams are coming in 3 days time. I am NOT freaking out and scrambling to get revision done because I stayed organize and planned schedules. So, here are some tips that I love!

Basic : Having an/a Agenda/Planner/Notebook
1. A lot of people just remember the homework by heart. Which is definitely NOT good enough. What happens if you get absent-minded and forgot to do your 'English Assignment'? So, remember, keep an agenda! A simple notebook from the bookstore is also eligible. 

2. Try using arrow flags/sticky tabs to label important dates. E.g Exams, Tests, Outings

3. Use coloured pens if you are more attracted to bright colours.

4. Instead of just writing your homework down, include a little check box that looks something like this []! Then, once you've completed that task, put either a 'X' or a tick! 

5. For MORE important homework, mark it with an '*'.Or even better, write it in red!

Fun : Sticky pads/notes!

1. Among us teens/tweens/students, some of us are lazy, well others are not. Lazy or not, most of us love sticky pads/notes!

2. You should ONLY use sticky pads/notes on walls with stiff paint that won't drop of easily! Just in case you get in trouble. *Winks*

3. You can choose to either write your thoughts, to-do lists, homework, revision or timetable!

4. To cheer yourself up when you're feeling tired/down, add cute and quirky little quotations that make your day!

5. Buy really sticky and CHEAP sticky pads/notes, after all, you will most probably be throwing it into the bin or recycle bin! I'd advise, recycle bin. Save the earth!
Daily : Revision for every lesson!
1. Let's be honest, 95% of us skip this step. Honestly, even myself! So, it's never too late to start working on your daily revisions!

2. Buy some assessment books to do some questions you have been taught by the teacher.

3. Get at least one assessment book for each subject.

4. It may be a home assignment from your parents and/or tuition teacher, it's still work! Do it neatly and diligently.

5. Lastly, put in loads of effort! 


Here's some quick tips!

: Never give up, try to the very end!
: It's never too late to start.
: Hard work pays off.

Alright guys, that is all for now! There will be more posts coming up, since I'm having stomach ache, there will only be prefilmed videos, sadly. But, at least there are videos right? Agreed? (: Alright, bye guys!


Sunday, 22 April 2012


Hiiiii there.. 

I'm new on Blogger. But uh, some faqs... : 

1. How old are you?
11 :D

2. Where are you from?

3. Name please~

4. Birthday?
2nd April 2001.


Yeah` Those are the answer. Blooooppp.. I am bored. :-/ Hmm... I LOVE GREEN TEA! Okay, baii. Cause` I have nothing to say. 
