Friday, 4 May 2012

Staying organized for the Examinations!

Hi Guys!
My exams are coming in 3 days time. I am NOT freaking out and scrambling to get revision done because I stayed organize and planned schedules. So, here are some tips that I love!

Basic : Having an/a Agenda/Planner/Notebook
1. A lot of people just remember the homework by heart. Which is definitely NOT good enough. What happens if you get absent-minded and forgot to do your 'English Assignment'? So, remember, keep an agenda! A simple notebook from the bookstore is also eligible. 

2. Try using arrow flags/sticky tabs to label important dates. E.g Exams, Tests, Outings

3. Use coloured pens if you are more attracted to bright colours.

4. Instead of just writing your homework down, include a little check box that looks something like this []! Then, once you've completed that task, put either a 'X' or a tick! 

5. For MORE important homework, mark it with an '*'.Or even better, write it in red!

Fun : Sticky pads/notes!

1. Among us teens/tweens/students, some of us are lazy, well others are not. Lazy or not, most of us love sticky pads/notes!

2. You should ONLY use sticky pads/notes on walls with stiff paint that won't drop of easily! Just in case you get in trouble. *Winks*

3. You can choose to either write your thoughts, to-do lists, homework, revision or timetable!

4. To cheer yourself up when you're feeling tired/down, add cute and quirky little quotations that make your day!

5. Buy really sticky and CHEAP sticky pads/notes, after all, you will most probably be throwing it into the bin or recycle bin! I'd advise, recycle bin. Save the earth!
Daily : Revision for every lesson!
1. Let's be honest, 95% of us skip this step. Honestly, even myself! So, it's never too late to start working on your daily revisions!

2. Buy some assessment books to do some questions you have been taught by the teacher.

3. Get at least one assessment book for each subject.

4. It may be a home assignment from your parents and/or tuition teacher, it's still work! Do it neatly and diligently.

5. Lastly, put in loads of effort! 


Here's some quick tips!

: Never give up, try to the very end!
: It's never too late to start.
: Hard work pays off.

Alright guys, that is all for now! There will be more posts coming up, since I'm having stomach ache, there will only be prefilmed videos, sadly. But, at least there are videos right? Agreed? (: Alright, bye guys!


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